Where can I find your podcast?

Swish and Flick: An All Potter Podcast can be found on whatever your favorite podcasting platform may be! We are on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, etc. 

Where can I find your music playlists?

You can find them on our Spotify Profile! Here is a link to our profile: Spotify Profile

What House are each of you in? What are your wands? What are your patronus'?

Tiffany is in Gryffindor. Her patronus is a fox. Her wand is Hazel Wood, Pheonix Feather Core, 9 3/4" Length, Reasonably Supple Flexibility. 

Megan is in Slytherin. Her patronus is a white stallion. Her wand is Alder Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core, 11 3/4" Length, Quite Bendy Flexibility.

Katie is in Hufflepuff. Her patronus is a dolphin. Her wand is Yew Wood, Unicorn Hair Core, 10" Length, Slightly Springy Flexibility. 

How can I listen to The Felix Files? And what is Patreon?

The Felix Files are our bonus episodes that come out bi-weekly through Patreon. Patreon is a website that allows us to offer a membership for our listeners to grant them access to special content! The Felix Files is offered to our Bowtruckle Patrons and higher. Patreon also allows you the opportunity to be on The Felix Files & to join our monthly video chat hangout with the hosts. Patreon - Click Here

How can I join your Facebook Group that you always talk about on the podcast?

Find our Facebook page here!
If you click on "Groups" it is connected to our Page - or click here!

How do I submit my Potter Story?

Please email it to us at swishflickcast@gmail.com and we will make sure to read it on a future episode!

Where can I find you on social media?

Facebook: Swish & Flick
Instagram: @SwishFlickCast
Tiktok: @SwishFlickCast

Instagram: @TiffSwish_Flick

Megan & Katie:
Instagram: @thepetrasfamily
Tiktok: @thepetrasfamily